Our mission
It fights for the rights of children and people with disabilities worldwide. The association lives of membership dues and donations. This humanitarian organization plays a major role in the visibility of our struggle. Hundreds of thousands of children are used, abused, misused Worldwide and Today we no longer tolerate this and we want things to change. It’s a shame to rejected and poorly viewed people with disabilities. Every person in this world has the right to attention, care, nutrition and lowering health.
More than one billion children are victims of domestic violence every year
795 million people are hungry in the world, that is 1 in 9 people.
There are now more than 98,000 known cases of children at risk in France, that is to say 10% more than ten years ago.
About 10 per cent of the population, or 650 million people, live with a disability and constitute the largest minority in the world.
France is among the top 10 most racist countries in the world, and it is the least tolerant European country, with 5 acts and threats a day listed in 2015.